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Quick setup

Android / MacOS / iOS

Windows / Linux / other


  • Filtering ads, malware and tracking
  • No client request logging
  • No EDNS Client-Subnet
  • DNSSEC validation processing
  • CNAME cloaking prevention
  • Dynamic DNS service included
  • Free for private use after registration
  • PCI DSS / HIPA / NIST compliant encryption
  • HTTP/3 QUIC, OCSP stapling and 0-rtt support
  • Average 30d service uptime: 99.083%


  • 2024/Jun/21 ‐ Sudden IPv6 change on phdns2 server. Please use 2a01:239:30a:200::1 from now on.
  • 2024/Apr/24 ‐ Sudden IPv6 change on phdns5 server. Please use 2a00:da00:f237:1e00::1 from now on.
  • 2024/Apr/20 ‐ No more IPv6 on phdns4 server for now. Server migration is planned.
  • 2024/Apr/18 ‐ Sudden IPv6 change on phdns3 server. Please use 2607:f1c0:f01f:ac00::1 from now on.


Use of this service is at your own risk. Under no circumstances will the operator be held responsible or liable in any way for any claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs or liabilities whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct or indirect damages for loss of profits, business interruption or loss of information) resulting or arising directly or indirectly from accessing or otherwise using this service. The operator does not guarantee in any way the access, availability and continuity of the functioning of this service. By using this website and service you consent to the disclaimer and agree to its terms and conditions. By using Cloudflare this website stores a cookie, created and evaluated by Cloudflare. This cookie is strictly necessary for Cloudflare's security features and cannot be turned off.

Service list

Service IPv4 IPv6 Port Loc. Access Remarks
DNS 2a03:4000:1d:998:10:: 53 DE closed Please register to get access.
DNS 2a01:239:30a:200::1 53 DE closed Please register to get access.
DNS 2607:f1c0:f01f:ac00::1 53 US closed Please register to get access.
DNS (a)
DNS (b)
53 ES closed Please register to get access.
DNS 2a00:da00:f237:1e00::1 53 UK closed Please register to get access.
DNS-over-HTTPS 443 DE open Strict TLS SNI only
DNS-over-HTTPS 443 DE open Strict TLS SNI only
DNS-over-HTTPS 443 US open Strict TLS SNI only
DNS-over-HTTPS 443 ES open Strict TLS SNI only
DNS-over-HTTPS 443 GB open Strict TLS SNI only
DNS-over-TLS 2a03:4000:1d:998:10:: 853 DE open TLS hostname:
DNS-over-TLS 2a01:239:30a:200::1 853 DE open TLS hostname:
DNS-over-TLS 2607:f1c0:f01f:ac00::1 853 US open TLS hostname:
DNS-over-TLS (a)
DNS-over-TLS (b)
853 ES open TLS hostname:
DNS-over-TLS 2a00:da00:f237:1e00::1 853 GB open TLS hostname:
DNScrypt 2a03:4000:1d:998:10:: 8443 DE open sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADjE4NS4xODMuMTU2Ljg1ABBwaGRuczEubG9uZXQub3Jn
DNScrypt 2a01:239:30a:200::1 8443 DE open sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAACzUwLjcuMTI0LjI0ABBwaGRuczIubG9uZXQub3Jn
DNScrypt 2607:f1c0:f01f:ac00::1 8443 US open sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADTIzLjIzNy41OC4xMjEAEHBoZG5zMy5sb25ldC5vcmc
DNScrypt (a)
DNScrypt (b)
8443 ES open sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADjgyLjIyMy4xMTQuMTcyABBwaGRuczQubG9uZXQub3Jn
DNScrypt 2a00:da00:f237:1e00::1 8443 GB open sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAADDc3LjY4LjExNi4yMgAQcGhkbnM1LmxvbmV0Lm9yZw
 The recommended services with lowest latency at your location are highlighted in bold. (a) Primary server. (b) Secondary server.


You have to configure a custom dynamic DNS service (i.e. in your router or firewall) for accessing restricted services. In order to register for this free service send an inquiry containing your desired username for dynamic DNS or your static IP address (range). The dynamic host is derrived from your username and will be like Currently only users with an IPv4 address can apply.


Service status

All five servers have served 199,230 DNS queries from clients in the past 24 hours. About 21.4% of these queries have been filtered for advertising, tracking or malware. The current privacy level for all servers is set to maximum privacy. This indicates that all servers operate in anonymous no logging mode where no client IPs or client requests are logged.

Curently 30 of 30 services are operational. You can check the status and 90 days uptime history of all services provided at the status page.

Current DE phdns1 DE phdns2 US phdns3 ES phdns4 GB phdns5
Filter status Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled
IPv4 connectivity
IPv6 connectivity
Cache latency 4 ms 0 ms 1 ms 0 ms 0 ms
Average latency 189 ms 169 ms 71 ms 133 ms 141 ms
Recursor latency 206 ms 205 ms 75 ms 201 ms 147 ms
DNS availability
DoH availability
DoT availability
DNScrypt availability
Todays service uptime 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Yesterdays service uptime 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
30d service uptime 98.272 % 98.450 % 100 % 100 % 98.041 %
90d service uptime 98.803 % 98.845 % 99.573 % 99.569 % 98.743 %
Blocked domains 1,207,140 1,207,140 1,207,140 1,207,140 1,207,140
Privacy level Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
Last filter update 2024/07/27 2024/07/27 2024/07/27 2024/07/27 2024/07/27
Last 24h
Total DNS queries 71,498 49,251 54,320 16,668 7,493
Ads blocked (27.8 %) 19,891 (25.4 %) 12,510 (4.7 %) 2,554 (17.8 %) 307 (37.7 %) 2,826
Queries forwarded 45,661 27,961 48,825 7,697 4,361
Queries cached (8.2 %) 5,893 (17.8 %) 8,753 (5.4 %) 2,938 (38.4 %) 6,401 (4.1 %) 305
UNKNOWN responses16493373618
NODATA responses5,3493,0701,062718653
NXDOMAIN responses5,7823,2711,199850536
CNAME responses11,9337,4462,4061,4651,288
IP responses40,28030,2697,74110,8394,506
DOMAIN responses3,3951,738516477303
RRNAME responses00001
SERVFAIL responses4,4723,30341,3212,243178
REFUSED responses11000
DNSSEC responses27171181
BLOB responses954327329
 Last status update: 2024/07/27 07:35 UTC

DNS response latency matrix

Latency to
NL Amsterdam US New York DE Frankfurt US Los Angeles
 phdns1.lonet.orgDE 10 ms 121 ms 3 ms 152 ms
 phdns2.lonet.orgDE 15 ms 131 ms 7 ms 156 ms
 phdns3.lonet.orgUS 111 ms 27 ms 119 ms 56 ms
 phdns4.lonet.orgES 37 ms 120 ms 39 ms 168 ms
 phdns5.lonet.orgGB 6 ms 91 ms 15 ms 152 ms
 Cloudflare DNSWorld 0 ms 1 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 Google DNSWorld 8 ms 17 ms 3 ms 4 ms
 Quad9 DNSWorld 11 ms 30 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 Open DNSWorld 3 ms 33 ms 7 ms 40 ms
 Neustar DNSWorld 9 ms 11 ms 7 ms 8 ms
 Control D DNSWorld 1 ms 3 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 Verisign DNSWorld 0 ms 32 ms 0 ms 0 ms
 Last status update: 2024/07/27 07:35 UTC

Filter lists

The blocklist database containing 1,207,140 blocked domains has been updated 0 days, 2 hours and 36 minutes ago.

Blocklist Last update Last check Entries URL
StevenBlack2024/07/21 01:37 UTC2024/07/27159,234
Disconnect - Malvertising2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/272,735
Disconnect - Basic tracking2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2734
Disconnect - Basic ads2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/272,701
EasyList2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2722,066
EasyPrivacy2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2720,270
AdGuard2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2748,994
NoCoin2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27720
NoTrack Blocklist2024/07/27 04:57 UTC2024/07/2715,947
WindowsSpyBlocker - Hosts spy rules2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27347
AdAway default blocklist2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/276,540
NoTrack Malware Blocklist2024/07/26 04:04 UTC2024/07/27186
Coin Blocker list2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/273,556
Android tracking list2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2780
SmartTV tracking list2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27242
Anudeep's Blacklist2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2742,536
Anti Pop-ads2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27755
Blacklist compiled by @cchevymk2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27202
Adguard Mobile Spyware2024/07/25 04:43 UTC2024/07/27717
GoodbyeAds Spotify AdBlock2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/273,780
GoodbyeAds LeEco Adblock Extension2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2795
GoodbyeAds2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/27323,160
Adguard CNAME2024/07/25 04:43 UTC2024/07/2746,908
EasyPrivacy CNAME2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2716,805
Japanese blocklist2024/07/25 04:43 UTC2024/07/27393
Multi-Party trackers2024/07/06 04:06 UTC2024/07/2711,913
Hosts by warui.intaa.net2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/2775,787
Blackbook hosts list2024/07/24 04:43 UTC2024/07/2718,132
Hosts list2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/27183
VeleSila hosts list2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/276,420
NoCoin Filter List2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/27409
Hosts list2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/271,008
Asian hosts list2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/271,707
Blacklist maintained by @ookangzheng2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/27445
FireTV blocklist2024/07/06 04:07 UTC2024/07/2720
RPiList - Malware2024/07/26 04:04 UTC2024/07/270
RPiList - Phishing2024/07/26 04:04 UTC2024/07/270

Requests for whitelisting or delisting a domain will be ignored. If you want your domain delisted: Figure out which blocklist contains your domain and refer to the policies of this list for delisting.


If you like you can donate a small amount via PayPal to keep this service up and running.